DOS Version:
Can execute SysEx messages from .SYX type (raw MIDI data) files before playback.
Can play multiple files from a text file containing a list of MIDI files.
MIDI FORMAT SUPPORT: Type-0 (single track) and Type-1 (multi-track), up to 256 tracks..
Special support for karaoke (.KAR) files. Supports Key On/Key Off, Control Change, Program Change, Pitch
Bend, Channel Aftertouch, Polyphonic Aftertouch and SysEx messages; effectively supports and transmits all
MIDI events! Supports Basic/Extended/General MIDI specifications. Supports GM/MT-32/GS/XG/SC-88 patch and
drum sets. Drum channel can be mapped from channel 16 to channel 10.
DISPLAY: VESA 640x480 256-color display or text mode. Shows: Notes played (bar or keyboard style), key
velocity, patch names, pitch bending, controller settings (pan, reverb, chorus, sustain, modulation,
volume, portamento, expression), tempo, song title/text, song time, beat indicator, GM/GS/XG logo, current
polyphony bar (with peak-hold), max. polyphony (numerical), drum set, key (e.g. C Major), file size, MIDI
format, number of tracks, time division. Displays GS specific stuff: Reverb, chorus. Displays XG specific
stuff: Reverb,chorus,variation effect and effect controller settings. Multichannel velocity display.
With karaoke files, get to see the lyrics highlighted together with a ball bouncing over the top!
Can load GBM (Gray-scale bitmap) or CBM (Color bitmap) format files as wall-paper.
INTERACTIVE: Help screen available. Change these on-the-fly : channel program/patch, channel volume, master
volume, tempo, wall-paper palette scheme, note display format, drum set. Change Reverb (GS/XG), Chorus (GS/XG) and Variation Effect (XG) settings!
Mute specific channels, solo a channel, or turn all channels on. Transpose up/down. Play/Fast Forward, Pause.
Scrollable text window.
Windows Version:
This version is still under development. As the author said:
'Now don't wet your pants yet. For at the moment, MegaMID for Windows is but a shadow of its former self.
But do not despair, for as the creator continues to prefect his skills in this new OS, MegaMID for
Windows may reach a higher level of existence than ever before yet...'